Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another weekend has come and gone. The week brought a freezing cold football game, which, thankfully and skillfully, our boys won, taking us to the playoffs this Tuesday. My son has made it through, well almost, through the football season without a head injury. Thank God.
Been purusing Etsy, not only my own site, but hundreds of others too. IF, yes IF I had the funds, i could easily have my xmas shopping done by now. so many many awesome things on Etsy. I love it. Handmade, and there is nothing you can imagine that is not there. Great place. My jewelry making has come to a crawl. I have gone back to drawing...a little. Not much, but a little. I took a good bit of tongue lashing at somethings I listed on Etsy, as I used my new models. My 'models' are drawings I did, of woman, rather unusual...and no one likes jewelry models. they like the drawings, just not as models. Failed again. Is that my middle name? I am beginning to wonder. I have a big day tomorrow, job apps to fill out and deliver, xmas tags to finish, print on cardstock, and possibly post on my etsy site. Other things I have made to photograph, and then....the big event...the Indoor Band Show...the place will be packed, but sooo worth it. Last time I will get to see my boy march this year. Last was my daughters last time in band uniform. So, tell I ever going to find a job??

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I never thought I would see the day when I was feeling like the forgotten mom, but with the daughter having a wonderful boyfriend, and her college life, and the so having so many activities and sports, and hunting. I feel like the forgotten mom. So...what do I do. Work on upping the sales in my shop. ( work on making more jewelry....get out of the house and quite using this computer as my one an only way of socializing? Might be a good idea. maybe a trip to Chicago to catch an Oprah taping.
Gotta post pics of new jewelry first, gotta make more jewelry for fashion show and other orders in retail accounts. Gotta get a life. ho hum. At least my dog in not showing signs of pregnancy yet, but stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello to all!

I am the mother of two teenagers, a stay at home mom, with kids who are never home. Something wrong with that picture? Ya. an artist and writer, well, take out the writer for now...oh wait, that's what I'm doing. geez. Anyway, as the artist...I have tossed out the paints and, actually about a year ago, I started making jewelry. (Like one out of every two women in the world today) HO HUM. Bummer. I think though, that my stuff is pretty original, and not so 'out there' that once you have it, you are afraid to wear it. (For fear of chuckles, back stabs...what the H is THAT around your neck? ) None of that, hopefully. I am not Mrs. I Know All About Fashion, so I could be wrong. Ya, it is possible. Today, I shipped. Wednesday is my shipping day. The post office is cleanest on Wednesdays. :P
Actually, you will just have to go to, and find my stuff and judge for yourself.
OR google Linda Aspenson Bergstrom. That is the easiest way, I think, not sure. Who knows. All I know is that Oprah better buy something soon and put it in her Oprah's favorite Thingy's, or I am doomed. LOL.